Mini Quiz 9 1 / 10 A) Find out wrong term in given sequence.3 5 13 43 176 891 5353 5 43 13 None of these 176 2 / 10 B) Find out wrong term in given sequence.8 12 24 46 72 108 216 None of these 12 72 46 24 3 / 10 C) Find out wrong term in given sequence.2 10 18 54 162 486 1458 10 54 18 162 4 / 10 D) Find out missing term which follows sequence of the series.13 27 55 97 153 ? 215 None of these 265 243 223 Series is:13+14*1=2727+14*2=5555+14*3=9797+14*4=153153+14*5=223 5 / 10 E) Find out wrong term in given sequence.37 47 52 67 87 112 142 67 52 47 None Of These 87 6 / 10 F) Find out missing term which follows sequence of the series.495 485 465 425 345 ? 185 175 None of these 165 195 Series is:Difference increases by10 20 40 80 160 7 / 10 G) Find out missing term which follows sequence of the series.435 354 282 219 165 ? 130 120 112 None of These 103 Series is :-(9*9), -(9*8), -(9*7), -(9*6), -(9*5) 8 / 10 H) Find out wrong term in given sequence.4 2.5 3.5 6.5 15.5 41.5 126.75 None Of These 2.5 6.5 15.5 3.5 Series is:4*0.5+0.5=2.52.5*1+1=3.53.5*1.5+1.5=6.756.75*2+2=15.515.5*2.5+2.5=41.2541.25*3+3=126.75 9 / 10 I) Find out wrong term in given sequence.7 18 40 106 183 282 403 18 None Of These 40 282 106 10 / 10 J) Find out wrong term in given sequence.4 5 9 29 111 556 3335 29 556 5 111 9 Your score is The average score is 10% 0% Restart quiz